Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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               SEO Solution SEO E-SrvicePakistan

               Our service in(search engine optimization)

SEO Solution is growing very rapidly and Search Engine Optimization is becoming the hottest industry for any organization specially in Pakistan. SEO Solution is not only has its impact on the marketing but also the conversion of your local visitors to customers..Naveed Ahmed is the biggest SEO Services providers Expert of Nakistan. Our services with the name of SEO Solution will cover all the aspects of search engine optimization while maintaining the Pakistani market. Naveed is a specialized SEO professional assigned to the specific industry for the Pakistan industry of SEO Solution. I also cover SEM Solution that is Search Engine Marketing and Special campaigns marketing under the umbrella of SEO Pakistan. We also provide SEO services to our international customers and would like to welcome SEO Global along with SEO Pakistan.

Seo Training

So now that you have your main keywords you need to bring it all

together with “On & Off Page Optimization” but first lets look at

some of the factors that the search engines use to ranking websites:

On-Page Factors

- Age of site

- Length of time domain has been registered

- Age of content

- Uniqueness of content

- Regularity with which new content is added

- Standard on-site factors (I’ll get to this soon)

Off-Page Factors

- Incoming backlinks and anchor text of incoming backlinks

- Negative scoring for some incoming backlinks (perhaps those

coming from low value pages, reciprocated backlinks, paid links,

link farms, etc.)

- Rate of acquisition of backlinks: too many too fast could

indicate “unnatural” link buying activity

- Text surrounding outward links and incoming backlinks

- Use of sub-domains, use of keywords in sub-domains

So I figured we better start from scratch. Lets just quickly learn

what SEO is so we can get a better understanding of how it can help


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a

website through an extensive mixture of tasks that help improve a

website’s presence on the search engines. So this brings up the

question, “What is a Search Engine?” This question can easily be

answered by asking you to get on the internet and visiting,, or These are the most popular

and Major Search Engines. A search engine is an extensive database

that uses algorithms (the way information is collected) to pull

information quickly and efficiently, making information easily

available. A person using a search engine will specify criteria

(keywords/phrases) about something they are interested in for

example “Real Estate”. When a person enters their search criteria

into the search engine they hope to find information that is most

relevant to the keywords entered. This is the main goal of a

search engine, to give its users totally relevant results of their

search criteria.

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