Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Seo Training

So now that you have your main keywords you need to bring it all
together with “On & Off Page Optimization” but first lets look at
some of the factors that the search engines use to ranking websites:

On-Page Factors

- Age of site
- Length of time domain has been registered
- Age of content
- Uniqueness of content
- Regularity with which new content is added
- Standard on-site factors (I’ll get to this soon)

Off-Page Factors

- Incoming backlinks and anchor text of incoming backlinks
- Negative scoring for some incoming backlinks (perhaps those
coming from low value pages, reciprocated backlinks, paid links,
link farms, etc.)
- Rate of acquisition of backlinks: too many too fast could
indicate “unnatural” link buying activity
- Text surrounding outward links and incoming backlinks
- Use of sub-domains, use of keywords in sub-domains

So I figured we better start from scratch. Lets just quickly learn
what SEO is so we can get a better understanding of how it can help

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a
website through an extensive mixture of tasks that help improve a
website’s presence on the search engines. So this brings up the
question, “What is a Search Engine?” This question can easily be
answered by asking you to get on the internet and visiting,, or These are the most popular
and Major Search Engines. A search engine is an extensive database
that uses algorithms (the way information is collected) to pull
information quickly and efficiently, making information easily
available. A person using a search engine will specify criteria
(keywords/phrases) about something they are interested in for
example “Real Estate”. When a person enters their search criteria
into the search engine they hope to find information that is most
relevant to the keywords entered. This is the main goal of a
search engine, to give its users totally relevant results of their
search criteria.

contact: 0092-3002095767

About Us

I’m SEO Altaf Ahmed and I’m last year in part two,I live in landhi industrial area near to Karachi export processing zone. Now a day’s, I’m a doing work in Xebtech system Pakistan.and as well as I’m learning web designer course and web master course and I’ve well knowing about well developer.
I’m providing a SEO service in Pakistan and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)Solution in Karachi and also, I’m web Developer and web Designer as you wanna know, how much language I knows in the web developer so XHTML,HTML,ASP it is not enough but i can do java scrape so what kind of problem if you face so you may contact me toSoul you issue inesay way.
Education :
  • Matrices form Karachi higher education bored.
  • form Karachi bored
  • B.A last year in Progressing
contact: |00966-591368312

About Us

I’m SEO Altaf Ahmed and I’m last year in part two,I live in landhi industrial area near to Karachi export processing zone. Now a day’s, I’m a doing work in Xebtech system Pakistan.and as well as I’m learning web designer course and web master course and I’ve well knowing about well developer.

I’m providing a SEO service in Pakistan and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)Solution in Karachi and also, I’m web Developer and web Designer as you wanna know, how much language I knows in the web developer so XHTML,HTML,ASP it is not enough but i can do java scrape so what kind of problem if you face so you may contact me toSoul you issue inesay way.

Education :

  • Matrices form Karachi higher education bored.
  • form Karachi bored
  • B.A last year in Progressing

contact: |0092-300-2095767

Monday, August 11, 2008

SEO in Karachi| SEO Services Pakistan | Search Engine Optimization

SEO And Services
Your website is the foundation of your Internet business and represents your Internet brand. SEO King specialize sin helping you to build your Internet brand in the most affordable and optimal way. Your website is your storefront, and how you prepare your store for business will have a direct impact on how well your business will do online. SEO King does this by preparing your store for business:

  • SEO affects the quality of your storefront
  • SEO has a direct impact on your business success
  • A website with properly done SEO has higher prospect retention
  • A website with properly done SEO attracts highly targeted prospects that convert
  • A website with properly completed SEO typically receives more free advertising from search engines
  • A website with properly done SEO saves you both time and money
  • A website with properly done SEO will almost always make you money

Engine Optimization, or SEO, falls into two distinct separate
processes. The first type of optimization is site based optimization
and incorporates various steps that prepare your website to be found in
the search results of any given search engine. These website
optimization processes will help search engines understand what your
site is about, in addition to assisting search engines to understand
which search terms are relevant to your product or service.Submitting your site for inclusion within the search engines is time
consuming and, frankly, a waste of your time.

The construction of your business website site should be taken just as seriously as the location of your business office. How does it appeal to prospects? How quickly can you serve them? How easy is it to do business with you? There are many factors to consider, but remember that site based SEO is the foundation on which a successful online business is built.